Mighty Angel…come down clothed in rainbow-head (2024) is a performance exhibiting the tension between our hopeful and despondent tendencies, created by isabel crespo pardo & Anna Abondolo. Making use of voice, plucked strings, and fixed media, they create a tumultuous confession of existence, shadowed and encased in tulle and foil. Becoming multiplicitous creatures, they oscillate between aspiration and dissociation in their imagined sanctuary.

In this evening-length work, isa and Anna craft a sincere portrait of supposed contradictions brought to life by the embodiment of the characters of godly machine, sinner baby, and stardog.

isabel crespo pardo, co-creation, performance, costumes
Anna Abondolo, co-creation, performance, sculpture

For booking inquiries, email isabelcrespomusic@gmail.com

Photography by Alex Joseph